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Wagner's Signature Products
Wagner's IGA has had a long tradition of bringing you the foods you love. Some may be old recipes handed down through the generations like our sausages, brats and summer sausages while others are new products to keep up with current trends and popular flavors. When you see the Wagner's Signature Recipe seal on a product at Wagner's IGA, you are guaranteed that the product meets the strict criteria below:
- The product was made at Wagner's IGA following recipes and methods unique to Wagner's IGA
- The product was made from only the freshest ingredients and select herbs and spices
- A guarantee that a product bearing the name is not only made at Wagner's IGA, but was made and packaged recently to ensure quality and freshness


deli salads
Deli Salads
marinated chicken breasts and pork chops
Marinated Chicken Breasts
And Pork Chops
black bean and corn salsa
Black Bean And Corn Salsa

All White Meat Chicken Salad
All White Meat Chicken Salad

whole rostisserie chicken
Whole Rostisserie Chicken

Smoked Sausage
shish kabob (beef or chicken)
Shish Kabob (Beef Or Chicken)